Ok, I had to Blog about this. A few sites were recommended to me by a good friend of mine, and I was checking them out in my usual efforts to delay the inevitable (my essay). The first one, the only one i have checked out so far, is called Clubbers Temple. It is an English (like, England) flash site that is pretty cool as far as sites and flash go, but it is also a church. I haven't fully explored it yet, i can't let myself do that now, or I will never get to my essay, but I did take the flash journey thing, and checked it out a little bit. Its very interesting. First impressions: A good attempt to be church online, it has all the fancyness and proffesionalness, but it seems almost to much like the real thing (like online should be different or something?). I haven't fully explored, but i am wary of it being a good alternative church, but falling into some kind of consumeristic trap... i am always wary of that though i guess. So, for now, I liked it, its cool. Thats all I will say. If it is interesting enough, and if, upon further exploration I feel the need, I will comment further.

Its worth a look either way, and I am curious what you think... so what do you think?


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