
Showing posts with the label On My Mind

On My Mind #3

Haven't done one of these in a while. Obviously, I've been thinking about the books I am reading; but you can see my other posts for that. Now that I am done school (YIPEE!), the next 'project' to work on is getting ordained. Right now the Alliance district offers two tracks for ordination. One is called the individual track, and the other the cohort track. Apparently this second is being pushed. What's the difference? Well, you read the same books, meet all the same requirements, but if you are on the cohort track you meet twice a year with your cohort (group of other pastors doing the same process) to talk, hear speakers, and so on. I believe there is also interaction from a distance over the year. So, its the same program but one offers more input/community and takes more time and money. I really don't want to do the cohort track... My job takes me away from my family for overnight trips enough already! This week is pretty sweet though. I have some ...

On My Mind #2

More random lists of stuff I'm thinking about. Friedman's Fables. I just started reading " A Failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix " by Edwin Friedman, and I plan on getting " Friedman's Fables " from the library. In the meantime, I looked it up, and found several of them online: The Bridge , The Friendly Forest , and 'Round in Circles . Very interesting; worth reading. Go check them out. RIGHT NOW! Why are you still here? *boot* God's Impassibility. This is a big one for me; skip the paragraph if you don't care. I, like the majority of modern theologians, or so it seems, have been quick to push away from and deny the traditional philosophical idea that God is impassible; especially that he does not suffer. After all, how can we say this after Christ, the incarnation and the cross? Isn't it plain that God did suffer, already, past tense? And what about Auschwitz? We have all heard the famous story, shared by E...

On My Mind #1

Most of my posts have topics. Anything titled 'on my mind' will be more like ramblings, lists, stuff I'm reading, random thoughts, whatever. Its like a journal entry which, if you possess the fortitude to venture into such untamed wilderness, you can read. So whats on my mind? Reason and faith, science and religion, and the impassibility of God. What do those have to do with each other? Nothing, except that I am reading a book on the first and last, and going to a conference on the middle one (but not until may). "Reason and the Reasons of faith" Excellent book; or at least most of the essays are. "Does God Suffer?" by Weinandy; just started. Regent pastors Conference; my first one, hope its good (Alan Torrance is one of the speakers, I'm excited). ICON Olympics this Friday. I wish I knew how to do video editing, or had time to learn before tomorrow, or had time to get someone to help me. Was going to ask on Tuesday night's prayer meet...