Blog Action Day: Water
I don't know if you pay attention to things like the links on the side of my blog or not. I totally understand if you don't. But, if you do, you may have noticed that I added a second 'advertisement' this week. Up until now the only banner has been for Compassion International. However, I signed up to be a part of " Blog Action Day " and so I added their widget as well. Well, now the day has come. Today is blog action day! And our topic is water. Basically, clean water is super important (if you didn't know that, then I advise you to stop drinking out of those muddy puddles in your curb) and a lot of people around the world don't have it. You thought that joke about muddy puddles was funny? People actually drink from water like that, and as a result, among other things, 38000 children die every week. Think about that. The number is simply staggering and heart-breaking. I saw a bumper sticker today, and I liked it...