
Showing posts with the label Dessert

A Few of My Favorite Things

I should be either practicing my sermon or sleeping. Naturally, I am doing neither. And, if I am going to blog, I ought to be working through the review I mentioned in my last post... so, naturally, I am not doing that either. Instead, I want to share two of my favorite custom desserts (though not all of my own customization). Now, if you know me at all, you know that I have a massive sweet tooth. I dread the day (which fast approaches) when my metabolism fails me and I inevitably start to either gain weight or watch what I eat. Until then, I will enjoy the freedom to eat what I wish as a gift from God. So, on to the recipes: Bread and Cream and Sugar Yes, the title says it all. (Credit where credit is due: I learned this particular delight from my Father) 1. Take one slice of bread (brown or white or rye or whatever is fine, but I do not recommend any of the more 'crunchy' varieties of bread that include actual pieces of grain or nut) and cover it with a layer of brown...