On My Mind #1

Most of my posts have topics. Anything titled 'on my mind' will be more like ramblings, lists, stuff I'm reading, random thoughts, whatever. Its like a journal entry which, if you possess the fortitude to venture into such untamed wilderness, you can read.

So whats on my mind?

Reason and faith, science and religion, and the impassibility of God. What do those have to do with each other? Nothing, except that I am reading a book on the first and last, and going to a conference on the middle one (but not until may). "Reason and the Reasons of faith" Excellent book; or at least most of the essays are. "Does God Suffer?" by Weinandy; just started. Regent pastors Conference; my first one, hope its good (Alan Torrance is one of the speakers, I'm excited).

ICON Olympics this Friday. I wish I knew how to do video editing, or had time to learn before tomorrow, or had time to get someone to help me. Was going to ask on Tuesday night's prayer meeting, but I had to leave early so I didn't get a chance.

Preaching in 2.5 weeks on John 8:12-20 "I am the Light of the World" 2nd 'I Am' saying. So rich... Same week, on the 19th, I will be sharing at our 3D outreach event 'Open the Doors'. Busy, so I'm preparing for my sermon already, which is why its on my mind.

Oh, and these quotes:

The 'scandal of philosophy' is not that this proof has yet to be given (proof for the existence of things outside of ourselves; anti-solipsism so to speak), but that such proofs are expected and attempted again and again. Such expectations, aims, and demands arise from an ontologically inadequate way of starting withsomething of such a character that independently of it and 'outside' of it a 'world' is to be proved as present-at-hand.
Heidegger, Being and Time, 249 (brackets are my own insertion)

Reason is a capability endowed in human persons for the making of covenant. It enables us to transcend precisely our self-centeredness, to remain individual selves without being locked within those selves. To put it another way, it enables us to maintain the integrity of our own being while being truthful to the true nature of that which is other than ourselves... Reason as it should be has its focus on the attainment of communion and unity in the Logos.
Carver T. Yu, "Covenantal Rationality and the Healing of Reason" in Reason and the Reasons of Faith, 237


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