I'm Finished!

I'm finished! Done! It's over!

Today I took a trip to Regent College to hand in the last assignments for the last course of my MDiv program. It's hard to believe, and it feels strange. I've been a student for a ridiculously long time now... going back to grade 1, its been 20 years (and if you add breaks its been 22). Just at regent, I have been a student for nearly 5 years now (with 1 off in the middle). Suddenly, I am no longer a student. And I probably won't be again for some time (though I do still hope to do a PhD one day). Have I lost part of my identity? Is that why I suddenly have this unquenchable urge to read and write? Maybe, but I don't think I want to go there right now. Feels too much like a touchy feely spirituality assignment.

Regardless, its good to be done. I don't walk across the stage until April 26th, but between then and now all I do is wait.

Probably in the next couple of days I will do another, or a few other, posts on this subject. I think it still has to sink in... right now, I just know that one burden has been lifted.


Serena T said…
As people say, learning is a life process =)

Anyway, congrats!
Andrew said…
Learning definitely. School... hopefully not :)

and Thanks!
Justin E. Chan said…
Proud of you! and we celebrate with you!
Justin Lai said…
Congrats! I still have a ways to go until graduation but i can't wait until i'm done school too =)
Andrew said…
Thanks guys :)
Thomas said…
Congratulations are in order my friend and desk mate. I'll buy you a coffee tomorrow at the meeting!
adriel said…
Congrats Andrew. We will pray for more work for you tomorrow at YPM ;)
Andrew said…
Thanks Tom and Adriel as well :)
kering said…
A little late- but congratulations Andrew!! :D

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