RCPC Day 3 and 4


Right. Thursday, day 3 of the conference, was far too busy to blog. I got home, had just enough time to eat dinner, and headed off to a meeting. Then, on Friday, I left the conference early because I got the stomach flu and spent the entire rest of the day in bed. 

This also means that I don't remember what quotes I was going to put down for those days. Sorry. 

Summary Response: 
The conference was great. All the details were handled well, the speakers were excellent, the session instructors were well chosen, and it was well worth the time investment. 

The two main sessions which spoke to me the most were the ones presented by Paul Williams. He spoke about the apostolic and prophetic ministries, and individuals, in the church. He ended his first talk by conjoining 1 Peter 5:2 (Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers--not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve) with 1 Corinthians 12:31a (But eagerly desire the greater gifts.) He had asked why we have moved away from these gifts, questioning whether it was a result of dispensational theology or as a result of fear. Either one is wrong, and so he concluded by challenging us: Do you desire these things? Are you willing to serve in this way? 

Other hightlights:

Hearing Gordon Smith speak about sacraments and mission. 

Reading "Captive to the Word of God" by Miroslav Volf

Listening to "Liberating Grace" lecture series by Alan Torrance (some great stuff!)

It was a good week. 


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