Christian Apologetics Week Book Review #4: Beyond Opinion by Ravi Zacharias

Ravi Zacharias (General Editor), Beyond Opinion. Zondervan: 2007. 360 pgs. 

In this book Ravi Zacharias, along with various other contributors, share from the breadth and riches of their apologetics experiences.  The book is divided up into four sections: addressing the difficult questions, addressing the questions behind the questions, internalizing the questions and answers, and living out the answers.  In each section, different authors offer high level essays on broad topics under the larger subheading. In doing so they show how intellectually sophisticated apologetics has become in a globalized culture, as well as just how many angles there are to take in one's apologetics journey.  

This book was very interesting and very challenging.  While not all of the essays were difficult, the simple breadth of topics discussed necessitated more time spent reading and digesting the book.  For example, the first section moves through postmodernity to Buddhism and then on to science.  This book exemplifies the combination of all aspects of apologetics, including methodology and specific questions as well as answers to real life applications.  This book also demonstrates the truth that apologetics is no mere intellectual exercise, but a necessary part of our faith and an important player in the development of our minds (which is Ravi Zacharias' last chapter). I recommend this book, but know before you pick it up that you are indeed opening a tome of knowledge that will both require effort and richly reward it. 

Disclosure: This book was given to me free by Thomas Nelson to review. 

This post is part of Christian Apologetics Week.  You can find the introduction with links to all the posts here.


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