June Reflections

June has been the month that wasn't. I don't know why, but somehow I anticipated June being a relaxing month. It was to be a month of less rushed time of immediate needs and urgent priorities and, therefore, more slow time to catch up on reading, thinking, planning, etc. It wasn't. It was to be a month of writing, working on my ordination materials, and getting ready for the fall.  It wasn't. 

Instead, I have posted fewer times than any month since December, and that is at least partially an indication of how much other stuff I have been doing. In fact, since restarting my blog, this is my second slowest month for blog posts. The real kicker is that we are now halfway through the year.  

Ahh, well.

Top 3 Posts of June:

1. Blogtour: "The Next Story" by Tim Challies - I am fairly certain I owe this traffic to http://engagingchurchblog.com/. They flagged my post as "don't miss this challenging review."

2. "Spiritual But Not Religious..." - I am glad to see a serious, non-book-review, post in the top 3. I think this is an important issue that a lot of people think about in an incoherent manner. 

3.Read! - Thank You Very Much! I posted this yesterday, and it has jumped into the top 3 in one day.  You all have warmed my heart :) I do have one question; is it just because I put in pictures of my family? Well, whether you came for the topic or the pictures, I am glad that a topic so close to my heart is on the top 3. 

Thank you all again for reading my blog. Drop me a comment anytime, especially if it is a book or blog recommendation. 

God Bless!



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