"Rumors of God" by Darren Whitehead and Jon Tyson

Darren Whitehead and Jon Tyson.  Rumors of God: Experience the Kind of Faith You've Only Heard About. Thomas Nelson, 2011. 208 pgs. 

"Rumors of God is a call to Christians seeking a vision of the life God is calling them to, one that transcends the shallowness of our culture." So begins the copy describing this book. Whitehead and Tyson take the reader on a 10 chapter journey through rumors of the life God wants for us: rumors of an abundant life, a different dream, generosity, love, grace, freedom, commitment, community, justice, and hope. Their prayer in this book is the prayer of Habakkuk 3:2: "Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy."

Rumors is a book about vision. It is a book through which you can catch glimpses of God's calling. This is as it should be, for we all see as through a glass darkly. Whitehead and Tyson have done an impressive job of displaying these glimpses with biblical accuracy, literary acumen, and an attractive style. Their grasp of how radically different our culture and God's vision are combined with the clarity with which they hold forth both sides of that contrast make this book very much worth reading. A few cliched statements, a few formulaic chapters, a few loose statistics, and a few minor disagreements (from my point of view) do very little to detract from what is, overall, an excellent book. 

Conclusion: 4.5 Stars. Recommended. A book which stirred my heart towards God and which I found insightful and relevant. Pick up a copy yourself. 

This book was given to me to review by Thomas Nelson, through booksneeze.com 


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