Book Giveaway: "Jesus, My Father, The CIA, and Me..."

For the first time in the history of my blog I am giving something away. 

Thomas Nelson, the publisher of Jesus, My Father, The CIA, and Me: A Memoir... of Sorts" by Ian Morgan Cron, has not only sent me the book to review myself. They have also sent me a second copy to give away. 

I haven't finished reading it myself, but I am half way through and thoroughly enjoying it. 

Here is how this will work. I have chosen number between 1-1000. Post your guess. One post per person. The first one to get it right OR the person who is closest as of 11pm PST on Sunday, July 10th will win the book. 

Obviously, I will need a way to get in touch with the winner. Once we figure out who that is, we can figure out the best way for that via comments. 

Good luck everyone!


Justin Lai said…
Charlotte said…
Amelia said…
Anonymous said…
> Good luck everyone!

Do Christians believe in luck?
Roger Hui
Florin said…
sharon said…
317. Can I put ballots in on behalf of Colin and cara too? :)
Andrew said…
How about one for Jo instead? :)

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