Book Giveaway: Celebrating 100 Book Reviews

As you may have noticed, I posted my 100th book review yesterday!

I want to celebrate this fact by doing another book giveaway.  Not just any giveaway though, no, that would not be good enough for you, my loyal readers! 

Instead, I will be giving away your choice of (almost) any one of these 100 books. The only condition is that I refuse to give away a book that I rated as "not recommended." Sorry, but I simply won't do that to you. Trust me, it's for your own good. You also cannot choose the kindle :) 

Here is how the contest works. You have one week from today, until noon PST on Wednesday August 3rd, to enter the contest. In order to enter all you have to do is tell me, in a comment, which book you would like to receive. 

And in case you find browsing through 100 book reviews a daunting task, let me help you. If you ever take a look at the bottom of my posts you will see descriptive words known as labels or tags. If you click on them you will be taken to every other blog post I have written with the same label. 

To make it even easier, here are the links to some of those tags that you may want to use in order to narrow your search:

The winner will be chosen randomly from the list of entrants. 


adriel said…
I'll choose the kindle! And if that doesn't work, I pick "On Being a Leader for God" by Warren W. Wiersbe.

How exciting. Thanks Andrew!
Andrew said…
Updated the post; no you can't choose kindle :)
muzik_lova said…
Atheist Delusions by David Bentley Hart.

I've been emailing with a friend's co-worker who idolizes Hitchens. He is very passionate about conveying his believes on Christianity and how it's immoral. \/\/1nz7oN 7
Andrew S. said…
Twilight please...

Just kidding.

'The Sacrament of Evangelism.'
Amelia said…
Wesley Hill - Washed and Waiting

Unless you would rather give us the Twilight series... you know, to use as kindling...
peteyko said…
Tim Keller's "Counterfeit Gods". PLEASE.
kering said…
"The Radical Disciple" by John Stott :)
Seredhiel10 said…
"J.R.R. Tolkien" By Marke Horne haha i <3 his books!
Charlotte said…
"Life is a Miracle" by Wendell Berry.
Philip Ng said…
"Counterfeit Gods" By Timothy Keller.
christine said…
Atheist Delusions!

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