Reviewing 'Other' Books

When I started writing in this blog again, earlier in 2010, I did so with the aspiration of reviewing every book I read. I quickly gave up on said ambition when I realized how much more I like reading than reviewing, as well as how much I read.  

Since then I have, with a few exceptions, really only reviewing books that I get for free in exchange for reviews. This has led to reading and reviewing some good books but, alas, many bad ones.  

A couple of friends have pointed this out recently and told me I should review some 'good' books. I think they might be right.  So, I am going to give it a try. 

Some reviews you can look forward to, at least to start (in no particular order):
Some of Eugene Peterson's five part 'conversation' series:

And, of course, any other books I get for free to review.  



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