"A Suitor for Jenny" by Margaret Brownley

Margaret Brownley, A Suitor For Jenny: A Rocky Creek Romance. Thomas Nelson, 2010. 311 pgs. 

Thanks to booksneeze for the book to review, and an especially HUGE thank you to Kristina for reading and reviewing this book which was sent to me by mistake!

A Suitor For Jenny tells the story of Jenny and her two sisters.  When her parents die, Jenny takes her two sisters to Rocky Creek for a new beginning.  Not only, Rocky Creek is known as a place with many eligible bachelors.  Perfect for Jenny to find husbands for her two sisters.  Of course, as Jenny seeks proper matches for her sisters, nothing turns out the way she hopes or plans. 

This was an enjoyable book. As a woman with two younger sisters, it did hit a chord in my own personal experience. It explores several important themes, most notably the issue of controlling our own lives versus allowing God control and resting in His peace.  The other big one was exploring grief and guilt and how these can separate us from God if we let them. As a story, it was heart warming and cute, and contained interesting historical details. One criticism is that either by intent, or by accident, the plot of the book is obvious from the beginning.  No surprises here, but sometimes thats OK.  As a side note, I also enjoyed how Brownley mixed in the etiquette rules of the time surrounding marriage.  

Conclusion: 3.5 Stars.  Conditionally recommended (you need to like the genre of historical romance).  Definitely for women. 


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