Bush wins.

I don't know what to say. You reap what you sow, and I hope his second term is better than his first.....


Anthony said…
what do you mean by you reap what you sow in this context ?

(1/2 hoped not to reap bush)
Andrew said…
I was being purposefully vague... they voted for bush. Let's see what they get. As for the rest of the world... I guess we just get to pray.
Anthony said…
he won b/c assholes like the ones you go to church with decided they hate fags more then they hate war.

its all evangelical xians fault.

fuck em.
Anonymous said…
I did the unfathomable the other night. And believe me, I've been standing on my soap box for a very very long time... this must've been a God moment, b/c I managed to actually pray for Bush. And it wasn't cynical... ;) it was actually sincere. Good grief... I think the Spirit is convicting me. Anyways, here's to another 4 years. John
Anthony said…
its not about love tom. its about anger. (jesus had that you know)

its really frustrating, because you take money from an org. that supports a huge variety of hateful causes, including bush and co...and then i am supposed to say yes brother when you bitch about him winning.

what ever happened to speaking truth to power ?

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