What have I been doing lately? Trying to get back into things, which is proving to be more difficult that I thought. It's like I fell off the planet for a few weeks, found out I really liked it, and am now clawing my way to get back on when I am not so sure I want to. Perhaps I feel that way because today is the first brutal tuesday I will be attending classes on... 7.5 straight hours of them. They are good classes, I know that. They are good prof's, I know that to. But thats a long time, and I am kind of waiting to see how it goes. Not that I can do anything about it if it goes badly, except get used to it.
Forgiveness: A Hard Word From Luther
"Those who follow Christ grieve more over the sin of their offenders than over the loss or offense to themselves. And they do this that they may recall those offenders from their sin rather than avenge the wrongs they themselves have suffered. Therefore they put off the form of their own righteousness and put on the form of those others, praying for their persecutors, blessing those who curse, doing good to the evil-doers, preparing to pay the penalty and make satisfaction for their very enemies that they may be saved. This is the gospel and the example of Christ." - Martin Luther (Quoted by Miroslav Volf, Free of Charge, pg. 161-162)