I realized that I never mentioned how my project went. Well, it went well. We decided to do the whole thing kind of like a poetry reading; some of it was a little disjointed, and most of the people in our class have never or rarely done any kind of public speaking, but it went well. One other group really showed everyone up though; it was the group that did their presentation on Rumi's poetry. They read one of his poems, with music in the background, and a slide show to go with it that included much mocking of Canadian politics. Despite this, the rest of their presentation wasn't amazing or anything.

I think I finally broke through the wall on my WWII propaganda essay; I think that some parts of the problem I faced was that the Nazi regime dealt with three distinct religions in three distinct ways, the fact that its all great on paper and in theory, but that this war was real, whatever you say about how Hitler used the Jews as scapegoats and to manipulate the people, he really did hate them and he really did murder millions of them. Also, religion was dealt with in many more ways than on paper, and finally that the Nazi Regime was basically creating there own religion. So how am I supposed to fit all of those important things into a coherent paper on religion and literature in a way that they all add to my points? I might have figured it out, we will see. I think the problem isn't half as hard as I have found it, because of other things going on, but oh well.

We just finished this years mass media campaign on our campus, entitled "The Green Figurine". It was a curiousity based campaign, we put up teaser posters for two weeks asking questions about the green figurine, without saying who it was, and then at the end revealed it was Jesus and had a talk on him. The campaign was done very well, which is not me congratulating myself, as the only real help I did was in the area of the meniial tasks (putting up posters and such). On the other hand, I begin to wonder about how effective these campaigns are, relative to the work and cost of putting them on. They are definitely effective, no question there, but could other means be more so? Who knows I guess. To those who put so much work into this one, great job!! Please don't take my questioning as criticism; its just part of my neverending quest to learn and improve :) Merely mentioning the questioning here is perhaps a foreshadowing of a future rant, but you will have to tune in later to find out, if you even care :)


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