It's "About" Time?

The following is an update I have added to my "About This Blog" page:

It has been a long time. I haven't posted in 5 months, and I haven’t posted regularly in far longer. However, this is about to change.

Beginning this Sunday, Sept. 7th, I am going to post three times a week. On Sunday I will post a ‘Pastor’s Word’, on Tuesday I will post a book review, and on Friday I will post something miscellaneous.

Pastor’s Word: Every week at my church, in our Sunday bulletin, one of the pastors writes what is called a ‘Pastor’s Word.’ There are almost no content guidelines, except that they need to be 350-400 words long. Personally, I have only done this four times, and I have written them as devotionals. I will continue that here, and post one every Sunday. Some of them will be the very same that I have written for our church bulletin.

Book Reviews: The format of my book reviews will remain unchanged. I will tell you what the book is about, tell you what I thought of it and why, and summarize my recommendation. What will change are the books I review. In the past I have largely reviewed books which I received in exchange for the promise of a review. Now I will be reviewing two kinds of books: books I want to recommend to you and books that placed in me a need to write or respond.

Miscellaneous: This ought to be fairly self-explanatory.

A few caveats:
Life happens; things may change.
I reserve the right to post more often.
No doubt I will change this schedule someday, perhaps soon. For now, I am committed to following this three post a week schedule until near Christmas of 2014. At that time I will likely take a Christmas break, re-evaluate, and see where to go from there.

As always, thanks for reading, and do let me know your thoughts, requests, and so on.
P.S. Yes, Snook, if you end up reading this: I do plan on eventually getting to at least some of the books you have asked me to review.


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