Catching up to Life

It's been a couple of weeks since I posted, and even longer since I did a real post... what can I say, I've been busy (just like everyone else).

We are expecting our 2nd child, a son, very shortly. The official due date is June 23rd, but Kristina and I both think he will be early. Things at the church are going well, but there is lots of work to do. I am planning on taking 2 weeks or so off when the baby is born, but I am definitely not 2 weeks ahead in what I need to get done.

In terms of books, I am so far behind in reviews that I am giving up. At this stage in my life, there is simply no way I can review every book I read unless I read less books. I will still review some, but my ambition to do them all... well, its not going to happen. On the upside, I have joined two blogger review sites. They provide me with free books in exchange for my reviewing them. I don't know who came up with this arrangement, but whoever it was is a genius. Any way I can get free books is a good thing :)

Now, I am off to wash baby bottles, have some lunch, and then maybe, just maybe, I will review some books.


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