I changed my blog around, and who knows, I might even write here more than once every 2 months. I have said that many times though, so don't count on it.

I have been in Korea for nearly a month now. I started out teaching for 3 weeks at a summer camp in Sokcho. It was a lot of fun, if somewhat tiring. Now I am in Daejeon, getting my on the job training. I still have to make a visa trip to Japan in the next week or two, but other than that, I am almost settled in. My wife and I are staying in a small apartment temporarily, which is why I say almost settled in. We move into our own place this weekend.

Teaching so far has been a lot of fun. It demands a lot of patience, but more often than not I really enjoy helping children learn. As well, we have been lucky, and have no horror stories to tell of our teaching experience so far. Admittedly, we are just getting started here, so maybe I shouldn't speak to soon. But I know the Lord has been taking care of us.

Korea is a country very much like Canada, where I am from. The food is different, as is the language, it is cleaner here, and the architecture is different. But mostly, it is very much like any other city. The most noticeable difference is that I can't read, or understand, any of the advertising. Its kind of nice. Also, they have "Sauna's" here which I really like. They are places where you can go and enjoy 3 or more different temperature baths (in big tubs which fit many people) ranging from almost unbearably hot to very cold, several wet and dry sauna rooms (sometimes only one or two, other times many more), massages and scrubs (if you want to pay for them), showers, and anything else related to getting clean. The food, on the other hand, isn't always to my liking. I am not a fan of fish paste, or processed fish cakes, or fish soup for breakfast. Nor do I enjoy KimChi. I think I like about as much as I don't like though, so its alright.

While we are here, we want to travel to Japan, and some other places in southeast Asia (thailand, singapore, malaysia, or somewhere like that), as well as see more of S. Korea itself. It can be overwhelming at times, but I am looking forward to the upcoming year.


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