Difficult and Beautiful

Some things are difficult.

Some things are beautiful.

They often overlap. 

May both the difficult and the beautiful draw you to praise the Lord.


Anonymous said…
By “difficult”, do you mean difficult for you to do? I can readily imagine many things which are difficult for which it’d be difficult to praise the Lord without a convoluted line of reasoning.

Roger Hui
Andrew said…
There is a difference between praising God for something, and being drawn to praise God by something.
Anonymous said…
OK, but what are "the difficult"?

Roger Hui
Andrew said…
I'm not sure what you are getting at, but there has to be an element of the subjective here. 'Difficult for you' though not necessarily limited to difficult to do. Does that make sense?
Anonymous said…
Suppose I were a Jew in a Nazi concentration camp. That would seem pretty difficult. I would find it pretty difficult to praise God under the circumstances.

Perhaps you meant a different “difficult”? (That’s why I asked.) Or perhaps, since I was a Jew, I would have a different God than the one you were talking about?

Roger Hui
Glory said…
This fits perfectly with my husband and my present circumstance. Exposure to toxic mold in our home and workplaces made us both ill with serious autoimmune conditions. Difficult.
We sold our house (with full disclosure) with all its contents and moved to S.California where the air is dryer. Beautiful. In fact, I was just commenting to my husband the other day, while on a beautiful trail surrounded by wild flowers that, while our circumstances are hard there has been much beauty that we never would have known if things hadn't been so difficult.

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