"God's Double Agent" by Bob Fu

Bob Fu, God's Double Agent: The True Story of a Chinese Christian's Fight for Freedom. Baker Books, 2013

Herein lies the tale of Bob Fu. Born in China, full of ambition and a desire to improve his home, Bob eventually became involved in the protests which ended in Tiananmen square. The resulting punishment and depression were the context for his conversion and the beginnings of a ministry that would lead him to found China Aid. 

I don't want to give away too much more of the story; you should read it for yourself. And that, I suppose, gives away the rest of this review. I find a good Christian biography to be a very encouraging and challenging thing. Good in the sense that it is well written but, more importantly, good in that it displays the work of Jesus in the life of one of his followers. This, God's Double Agent, was a good Christian biography. And you should read it. Did I say that already? It's worth saying twice. 

Conclusion: 5 Stars. Recommended. 

Book has been provided courtesy of Graf-Martin Communications and Baker Books in exchange for an honest review.


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