Many Joys

I am not going to lie. This post is basically just a chance for me to brag about how blessed I am.  I have a life filled with many joys. 

As a pastor I get to perform many duties.  Some of them are tedious, frustrating, and difficult (as with any job).  However, I find that most of the duties of my position are not only fun, but bring me joy.  So, I think of teaching youth, hanging out, leading,being part of prayer meetings, preaching, and so much more that I am privileged to not only be able to do, but encouraged and upheld in the doing by a wonderful church family (thank you Burnaby Alliance!).  

You may have noticed that in my list of joyous duties I did not include the two stereotypically associated with pastors: marrying and burying.  Indeed, until this past weekend I have had no occasion to perform in either of those capacities (as marry-er or bury-er).  Then came this past Saturday. 

On Saturday I performed my first wedding ceremony, and for family no less.  My sister-in-law Amanda is now wife to Chris.  At the end of the evening my Father-in-law said to me "Thank you for marrying my daughter, again."  Funny man (and good family is definitely part of my many joys; both Kristina's and my own are sooo good :).  

If that wasn't enough, I got to watch my wife walk down the aisle again! Can it get any better than this? (sorry, no picture of her actually walking down the aisle; I am sure I will get one sooner or later)

Seriously.  Amazing.  Beautiful.  Stunning.  A huge part of my many joys is my wife.  She is an excellent wife, and an incredible mother.  My parents came out to visit and take care of the Ethan and Hannah for our busy weekend.  On Monday we went shopping, and while I was sitting in the car waiting for Kristina to come out of a dollar store, I shared this observation with my mom: "Kristina could spend hours in dollar stores and craft stores.  I walk in there and see all this stuff and think to myself: 'Who would ever want to buy this? What in the world would you do with it?' and then Kristina walks in, buys all the stuff, and comes up with awesome crafts and games for Hannah to do."  It's true.  She is creative.  It's why she's good at design work and crafts.  And that is only one of her many admirable qualities.    

I know I am missing stuff in this sharing of my many joys.  But I will close with one more joy: children, of course.  Both of them are growing and changing so much.  I love to watch them learn and laugh.  This morning I was able to take a special moment of joy in watching Hannah.  

Kristina was sitting in the comfy chair in our bedroom reading and I was playing with Hannah.  Ethan was sleeping downstairs.  Eventually, Hannah and I made our way into the bedroom and Hannah saw Kristina reading a book.  So she perused the books in the room (there are many, but she is fast).  Selected one, and proceeded to her 'corner'.  Really, it's just a space between our dresser and the wall where Hannah has laid a pillow so she can go and sit there from time to time.  She sat down, pulled up the book, and 'read'.  

Of course, she is not really reading that book yet.  But she definitely has good taste already.  A collection of three novelettes by J.R.R. Tolkein.  Keep it up Hannah!

Like I said, this post is really just a chance for me to brag.  But I do feel very blessed and that the Lord has gifted me with many joys.  So, thank you Jesus! 


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