
I have been thinking about a lot of things lately. So much so that I am having a hard time focusing on anything long enough to get some clear ideas flowing. So much so that I have been avoiding thinking about just about anything so that my brain doesn't overload. Maybe I'm thinking about nothing, not like I would know, being such a jumbled mess right now. So, WEEEE, here we go.

First, the Tsunami. Who hasn't posted about this in the last couple weeks? Tragedies such as this come in with a bang, and set off millions of psycological bangs immediately afterwards, and for years to come. From politics to theology (oh, those two much loved dinner topics), personal reflection to on the spot footage, no area is left untouched. I have been very impressed with the response to this disaster (not going to go into who is giving more based on what percentage... I just don't care right now). Being over in S.Korea makes it a little more personal for me as well. Why? Well, I had four friends in and around the area's hit. Everyone made it home ok and unhurt, for which I am very thankful. But for a week there I had a personal concern in what was going on. Perhaps it is this that has woken me up to something. I am sick of hearing arguements against, or for, God (in whatever form or tradition) being piggybacked on the deaths of so many people that most of those talking the loudest have never met, seen, or given a single thought of love or hate towards in their entire lives. Sure, a disaster like this is terrible, but we all act as if this brings up some kind of new issues when in reality it simply them on the front page of the newspaper. How many people die every year of aids? malnutrition? Should I go on? So what, this new natural disaster simply provide a way for people to yell louder about their particular position that they already held before, and probably will hold afterwards?

Certainly, there are questions to be asked, and attempts should be made at answering them. But lets at least try to remember they aren't new questions, and more people dying doesn't make them any more or less intense (no disrespect meant for those who have and are bearing the brunt of this latest tragedy). Furthermore, lets remember these questions are still important in a couple months when the Tsunami isn't on the front page anymore. Lets remember how we cried out for aid for these people, and ignored the disaster or tragedy that lives next door to us. As for me, I am grateful that the best in people is being brought out by this, I guess I wish it stuck around a bit longer, and stuck its head out a bit more often.

To, or from, the Christian worldview specifically, I wonder who are to be so arrogant to ask why? We who have evil running right through our midsection should be surprised that the earth, condemned to thorns by our sin, should look similar? To quickly we forget that our Lord "makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous" (Matt. 5:45). You want even more questions? Give Job a good reading, or the account in 1 Kings 22:13-28 (and surrounding text).

I think I will stop there, actually writing about something brought out one strain of thought and helped me focus on it. I hope this hasn't been to harsh or cynical/critical.


Chesapeake Blue said…
We who have evil running right through our midsection should be surprised that the earth, condemned to thorns by our sin, should look similar? Well, I sense your anger, but I cannot condemn the universe, all 100 billion billion solar systems, to a fate of sin as a result of Adam, who I do not believe actually existed and, if he did, came some billions of years after creation. With that starting point, how can we not ask these questions? You surely would not oppose my asking "why did this occur" from a scientific perspective, so that we could give appropriate warning next time. Or from a political perspective, so that we could provide proper funding for the necessary science. Why, then, should I not ask the spiritual question as well. I personally would be appalled if we did not ask those questions, but simply shrugged and went on.

That said, I agree that trying to turn a tragedy to support for a pre-existing agenda is immoral. A disaster should not be a football to be passed around as a citation. But that, at least, has not been my intent, or those of most that I have read.

I am glad to hear that your friends are alright.
Andrew said…
being more of a rant than anything else, my anger was not directed well throughout this entire post. I agree, we should ask the questions, it was much more the other things that bother me. The fact that we only ask these questions at such times as this, that we only act really concerned about these kinds of tragedies when they are huge and in our face when in reality they are going on all the time.

Your right, we should ask the questions, I just think we should do it more often.

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