Feeling the Psalms

I do not know where it is writ that I must bow to feeling, but often my own melancholy sends me off and reeling. 

I start my day, or come to church, in no mood for joy or celebration And soon enough I find myself encased with irritation. 

Yes, those dark clouds quite easily set the pace and smother out the light, But I thank the Lord that he has given me a tool to set me right. 

David sat amidst the sheep, composing songs of glory And within them he placed all feelings, hope to pain to worry. 

Now I find, to my delight, that upon their reading My feelings bow to His and my darkness starts receding. 

Once again light sets the tone and I do remember That God is king and leads the way though my sins still linger. 

Now the worship, or the day, can be a place of peace, As I seek out God Almighty and let my strivings cease.  

I do not know where it is writ that I must bow to feeling, but the Psalms clearly declare the only way of healing:

"O come , let us worship and bow down : let us kneel before the LORD our maker . For he is our God; and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand."


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