"Surfing for God" by Michael Cusick

Michael John Cusick, Surfing for God: Discovering the Divine Desire Beneath Sexual Struggle. Thomas Nelson, 2012. 224 pgs. 

Pornography is a plague of epidemic proportions among men right now. I seriously doubt I need to share with you any of the statistics. But you should know that it is not the widespread nature of this problem which made me request this book to review. No, two other reasons rose to the fore: 1. I am a youth pastor and so continually walking beside, praying with, and counseling young men who struggle with addictions to pornography. 2. I, myself, went through an addiction to pornography. At the time, the only book people gave me on the subject was Every Young Man's Battle. That was a fine book, in it's own way, but not all that helpful in dealing with sexual addiction in the age of internet abundance. By the grace of God I was set free without a better book on the subject, but that has not kept me from continually watching for such books.  This is one of those books. 

The theme quotation for Surfing for God, behind the subtitle and included at the beginning of the book, is this: "Every man who knocks on the door of a brothel is knocking for God." - G. K. Chesterton. Cusick, a set free sexual addict himself, walks the reader through the truth of what is going on behind sexual addiction, the lies of pornography, and a path to healing. He asks questions that point the reader to a quest for self-understanding and submission to God. He does so because he understands what so many other approaches to sexual addiction and pornography get wrong: the addiction is a symptom of a much deeper and more central problem. It is a symptom of brokenness that only God can heal and of desires that only God can meet. Finally, he encourages us to find proper ways of taking care of our souls. 

I think that my opinion of this book can best be summed up by my saying the following: This is now my go to book on the subject of addiction to pornography. Cusick is insightful, honest, and helpful in speaking to men who are in the midst of these things. To be clear, this is not a book about the social issues which surround sexual addiction. Nor is it a book which I believe will be much help to female readers except, perhaps, in enabling them to better understand men. But, for what it is, I have yet to read better. 

Conclusion: 5 Stars. Recommended. Given the number of men caught in this snare (statistically, it is pretty much guaranteed that you know someone who needs this kind of help) it is well worth reading a book such as this. If you are in the midst of this struggle or are walking with someone who is, then the same is doubly true. 

Disclosure: This book was given to me by Thomas Nelson for review, through the website booksneeze.com. 


Indeed a five star. I just read the book. My own review of Surfing for God is now online at http://www.henkjanvanderklis.nl/2012/06/michael-john-cusick-surfing-for-god-discovering-the-divine-desire-beneath-sexual-struggle/
Anonymous said…
i'm from the philippines, can you please share this book to us please? my email address is atb0420@yahoo.com

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