"Chaos and Grace" by Mark Galli
Mark Galli. Chaos and Grace: Discovering the Liberating Work of the Holy Spirit . Baker, 2011. 203 pgs. In Chaos and Grace, Galli asserts that the church has forgotten the character of the God we serve. We have forgotten that He is beyond our control, unpredictable, untamable, and mysterious. In His place many churches have centered their life on idols of control, peace, and order. In the midst of this situation, Galli seeks to wake us up. He spends the first half of this book examining biblical passages in which we see how God works, how chaos and grace are defining factors of walking with God; the chaos of life beyond our control, and the grace that shines through in the midst of it. The second half of the book is an analysis of current church culture, decrying our loss of touch with God Almighty and calling us back. Galli acknowledges that the first half of his book, examining scripture with the themes of Chaos and Grace in mind, will seem od...