
Showing posts from February, 2010

I Am Canadian

Hey, I am not a hockey player, or a Mountie, or a Polar Bear. I don't live on tundra, or fish with a harpoon, or own a skidoo. I have never been to the Maritimes, or the Yukon, or the Northwest Territories, though I hope to go someday. I have lived in places where -30 degrees is warming up, and I loved each winter of it. I have worn my flag proudly on 4 of the continents of our world, knowing full well that once people know I am Canadian they assume I am polite and gentle. Most of the time they are right. Most of the time 'I'm Sorry' is the right thing to say, so I say it often. A toque is a hat! And I like toques, and miss the many opportunities to wear one that growing up in the cold provided. Canada is huge, and awesome, and I have never been so happy to call it home. My name is Andrew and I am Canadian! Had to get it out. I am Canadian, and proud of it. The thing is, while that's always been true, my pride, as with most Canadians, has been a subdued s...
I don't like waiting... I dislike spectacle... Spending time in large crowds is something I generally detest... Line-ups? Did you read my last couple of points? These combine all three for maximum discomfort... This is pretty cool though... Well... Ok, so going to downtown Vancouver for the Olympics was pretty fun. How I can take all these things I don't like, mix them together, and come out with fun is beyond me. But then again, ours is not to question why...
Been a long time. I almost started a new blog on wordpress, but it was easier to just edit and run with my old blog. Why? Why what? 1. It was easier because the interweb (in this case, bless their processors and servers) likes to keep meaningless information that hasn't been updated or checked for over 4 years saved apparently forever. 2.And I am doing it because... well, I want to. And because I have been reading lots of other peoples blogs since becoming a pastor (read: mostly people who are in the groups I pastor). And because now that I am not at Regent full time, I don't have a natural place to talk about lots of stuff like I used to. Right now though, I should be working on my book review and other assignments. 3 weeks and 5000 words to go...